Antihistamine List

If you are anticipating Allergy Testing at your appointment, you must stay off antihistamines for 72 hours prior to your appointment, see the list below. The second list shows medications that can be continued and will not interfere with Allergy Testing.

Antihistamines to stay off 72 hours prior to Allergy Testing:

* Alavert
* Allegra/ Allerflex/ Fexofenadine
* Astelin/ Astepro/ Azelastine
* Benadryl/ Diphenhydramine *STAY OFF ONLY 24 HOURS
* Claritin/ Clarinex/ Allerclear/ Foratidine/ Desloratadine
* Dimetane/ Dimetapp
* Dramamine
* Dymista
* Hydroxyzine
* Loratadine
* Meclizine (in OTC cold medicine)
* Nettle, Promethazine (in OTC cold medicine)
* Pediacare
* Pepcid
* Periactin/ Cyproheptadine
* Tavist
* Zaditor
* Zyrtec/ Cetirizine
* Zantac
* Cold, Cough, Sleep Medicine (Vicks, Nyquil, Tylenol Cold and Cough Nighttime)

Medications that DO NOT need to be discontinued prior to Allergy Testing:

* Advair
* Flonase
* Nasacort
* Inhalers
* Prednisone
* Q-var
* Sudafed
* Singulair
* Zantac
* Montelukast